White Paper

White Paper: How Sword Tackles the Complex Interplay of MSK Pain and Mental Health

Sword Health’s MSK solution takes a holistic approach to achieve lasting pain relief, incorporating both physical and psychological interventions.
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8 in 10 of people with chronic pain also suffer mental health challenges, such as depression or anxiety. Both MSK pain and depression are one of the top contributors to workplace absenteeism and medical expenditures, which cost U.S. employers at least $50 billion combined annually.

Learn more from Sword’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Vijay Yanamadala, MD, on the complex relationship between MSK and mental health, and how employers and plans can solve for both.

Fill out the form to download the report now.

Portugal 2020Norte 2020European UnionPlano de Recuperação e ResiliênciaRepública PortuguesaNext Generation EU