Avoid unnecessary ER visits with on-demand help for pain.
Chat with an expert
Members can open the Sword app and type a question or concern directly in the chat.

Pain Specialists
Pain experts provide guidance to help members get top-quality care, avoid unnecessary ER visits, and find relief fast.

Immediate answers
The average wait time at the ER is 160 minutes. Pain Specialists respond directly in less than 5 minutes.

Pain can’t wait, and immediate access saves money.
Every year, there are 45 million unnecessary ER visits related to non-severe MSK conditions, costing an average of $1,389 per visit. On-Call is designed so people can get immediate help and avoid costly ER visits .
- No more unnecessary ER visits
- No more avoidable appointments
- No more waiting for guidance
- No more wasted money
Help from head to toe.