Unmatched Clinical Research
More peer-reviewed papers, clinical trials, and patents than anyone in digital health. See the science behind better care.

Groundbreaking innovation
Unwavering clinical integrity
We are committed to providing high-quality, evidence-based care and to continuously validating and enhancing our care models through rigorous clinical research and innovation.
Peer-reviewed papers in premium scientific journals
Research citations from 200+ research institutes
Academic institutions involved in our research
Our approach
AI Care done right
Developing leading solutions requires a comprehensive framework that reinvents care from the ground up
Getting the core principles right
All of Sword’s programs begin with an in-depth research of the latest and most solid clinical evidence, to determine the core foundations that we need to build.

Embedding clinical insights in product development
At Sword, clinicians and researchers work side by side with engineering and product to ensure our solutions are built on top of strong clinical foundations and truly answer the needs of our members.

Uncompromising clinical rigour
Our solutions are thoroughly validated through a two-tiered approach consisting of controlled trials against high-quality, in-person care and real-world evidence generation.

No regulatory shortcuts
All our solutions are assessed against the stringent criteria of FDA and other regulated bodies, and certification is pursued for all software and hardware that falls within the scope of medical devices.

Continuous improvement mindset
After launching, we continuously monitor engagement and clinical outcomes, as well feedback from members and clinicians, to further improve our solutions, in order to help more and more members becoming free of pain.

Read Our research
Explore Sword’s clinical studies
Evaluating Digital Rehab for Chronic MSK Pain Across BMI Categories
This study examines the effectiveness of a remote digital rehabilitation program for chronic musculoskeletal (MSK) pain in patients with and without obesity.
Predicting Pain Response in Remote MSK Care
This study introduces an AI-powered predictive tool to assess pain relief potential in digital musculoskeletal (MSK) rehabilitation for low back pain (LBP).
Exploring the impact of race and gender concordance in digital MSK rehabilitation
This study explores whether race and gender concordance between patients and physical therapists in digital MSK rehabilitation impacts engagement, satisfaction, and clinical outcomes.
Clinical board
Our Clinical Advisory Board
Steve Cohen
Director of the Blaustein Pain Treatment Center, Johns Hopkins Director, Pain Research at Walter Reed National, Military Medical Center.
Rajiv Sethi
Chair of the Neuroscience Institute, Director of Spine Research and Director of Complex Spine Surgery at Virginia Mason.
Adolfo Valadez
Chief Medical Officer at Ascension Insurance
Chitra Akileswaran
President & Chief Executive, Alameda Health Medical Group
Former Co-Founder and CMO at CleoJorge Lains
Past President, International Society for Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Karmel Choi
PhD, clinical psychologist; Assistant professor at Harvard Medical School/Massachusetts General Hospital, where she directs the Precision Prevention Program in the Center for Precision Psychiatry.
Advancing equity
Care that benefits your entire population equitably
As a leader in the digital health space, we have the responsibility and the opportunity to build a more equitable, inclusive future—one in which high‑quality care is accessible to everyone, regardless of their circumstances.
Our research proves that we are:
- Driving higher engagement and similar outcomes in members living in rural vs. urban areas1
- Addressing the needs of older adults2
- Delivering stellar clinical outcomes in members from different racial and ethnic backgrounds3
- Equally benefiting members from all socioeconomic backgrounds4
No other digital company in this space is backed by as much research in DE&I as Sword.

A better future
Funding research in the pain field
We know we can’t build a more equitable future alone. Which is why the Sword Foundation recognizes the most groundbreaking scientific work in the pain field each year with the Horizon Award.

Featured stories
New Clinical Study Finds Sword Saves Employers $2,900 per Member in MSK-Related Productivity Loss Annually
New study finds Sword recovers MSK-related productivity loss.
New Study Shows Sword First to Provide an Equitable Solution for Pain
Read the Nature Digital Medicine study to see how Sword reduces socioeconomic barriers to MSK care.
Sword Health Leads the Industry in Upper Limb Pain Care
Clinical rigor and testing produces the best digital care program available.
Want to advance research with us?
JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2023;11:e44316 doi: 10.2196/44316
JMIR Rehabil Assist Technol 2023;10:e49673 doi: 10.2196/49673
J Med Internet Res 2022;24(10):e41306 doi: 10.2196/41306
npj Digit. Med. 6, 188 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41746-023-00936-2